Friday, June 8, 2012

Who is Doc O?

Doc O’s full professional name is Ronald B. O’Gorman, MD, PhD, FACS, FACP, RVS.  In a later post, I’ll explain what all those letters mean. Most of my patients just call me Doc O. In Honduras, they call me Dr. Ron. My kids call me Pop. My nieces call me Uncle Ronnie. Back in Texas, I used to say, I didn’t care what you call me as long as you didn’t call me late for supper.

I’m a doctor whose practice centers on the treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases. I’m a first-generation heart surgeon, having had the privilege to train with Dr. Michael E. DeBakey and his associates who invented many of the procedures that I’ll chat about here. Currently, I work with five other surgeons in Mobile, AL. We perform surgery of the heart, lung and blood vessels, and we treat patients with a variety of cardiovascular and thoracic diseases.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Hills

Brody's in jail? Text Amy - Pop

Monday, July 21, 2008


"You're not pregnant if you've had it" - Mama

"It's the only common proof of pregnancy" - Joe

- thank goodness I'm in my room studying and not a part of that conversation...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Text to Pop

I love u soo much! & i'm having a great time i hope that dc is awsm as it probly is. Nghts off hve been rly fun, bt i thnk im gnna need more money.

*All spelling and grammar is from the original document*


Who doesn't remember Moola Beach

Wasn't that a fun show?

Monday, July 7, 2008

CJ's World

"AMY!" - CJ

"Joe!" - CJ

DC trip

Mary - next time I want to drive with POP.

Joe - Ditto

Pop - of course, everyone wants to drive with me.